Lindsay Kim

Student Journalist

About Me

I am a freelance journalist/journalism student working to advocate for the unheard, shed light on the hidden, and drive the narrative toward justice, equity, and truth while pushing for positive, tangible societal change through ethical decision-making journalism practices in the medium.

I have always been interested in global affairs, and I am attending the University of Washington Seattle with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Public Interest. With my degree, I focus on themes of international justice and the North West's political and digital media context. In my second year, I had the opportunity to intern as a legislative assistant at the National Assembly in South Korea. The overarching question from public officials was always, "How can we better engage with those whom we are serving?” It taught me the value of being the voice of marginalized groups and promoting public engagement in legislative processes. This journey has solidified my decision to pursue a career surrounding human rights and social justice.

Post-graduation, my ambitions include furthering my journalism studies and contributing to an international organization prioritizing inclusive and impactful community engagement, leadership development, and global discourse. As much as I love what I do, I feel my desire to write and talk about global issues is my true path. I firmly believe in utilizing multimedia and social media creation to reach age groups and demographics not reached through print.

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”

— Former U.N. Secretary - General Kofi Annan